Cam Calkoen - That Awesome Guy

Embrace your Awesome and exceed expectations

You know when you have an idea and you think, ‘I can do that.’ I inspire people to chase it, to dream even bigger and achieve more.

Inspirational Speaker

Small words inspire big actions!

Rather than seeing my unique speech as an impediment, I embraced it as an accent. Inspired by the greatest speakers of history and today, I’ve taken my message all around the world.

Social Entrepreneur

Learn from our experiences to move, connect and inspire others!

Instead of worrying about what people may think about me, I decided to give them things to think about, through mentoring, coaching and inspiring others.

Charitable Fundraiser

Living for a purpose bigger than self!

Instead of worrying about what I didn’t have, I was inspired to see what I could offer others. Building capital and relationships that then made a world of difference for many.

Athletic Gold Medalist

The reasons for saying YES are often way more awesome than the perceptions for saying no!

Rather than worrying about the way I walk, I chose to be inspired by the world’s greatest athletes. I became a full-time athlete, winning medals worldwide for sprinting, before summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro.

People Inspired
Standing Ovations

Cam Calkoen’s life has been his version of “normal” since birth. Born with cerebral palsy, Cam was determined to take life in whatever direction he chose.

He chose to leave his comfort zone, and do two things doctors said he would never be able to do: running and speaking. Through embracing his awesomeness, Cam didn’t just do them, he smashed them! Now he delivers a powerful and unique message to audiences worldwide.

“Cam’s unique message inspires people to believe things are possible way beyond their thinking”.

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Community Events



Certified Speaking Professional - CSP

2020 Speaker of the Year

National Speakers Association of New Zealand

Video Testimonials

He aha mea nui o te ao

What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, He tangata, He tangata
It’s the people, It’s the people, It’s the people.

– Maori Proverb


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